am·bas·sa·dor /amˈbasÉ™dÉ™r/ noun
An ambassador is someone authorized to act on behalf of a higher authority; they serve as a representative. The common usage today is a person who represents their country to a foreign government.
The Ambassadors for JESUS CHRIST Motorcycle Ministry was founded by Pastor Hollywood Joe Guebara of Houston, Texas in 1997. The affiliate biker ministry in Virginia was established by the late Dr. Charles Green, also a native of Houston, Texas.
The Ambassadors for JESUS CHRIST Motorcycle Ministry Virginia, known as "the Laborers", are now Led by Joe “The Deacon” Perkins. We service the biker community through providing mediation, prayer, funerals and outlaw endeavors. We ride in and host events and rallies in Virginia and the East Coast to share the gospel with all riders in the biker community.

International Leader and Branch Leader

Patching In ceremony

Our mission and our goals are clear... to take the gospel of JESUS CHRIST to the Biker world. It doesn't matter if you ride a foreign or domestic, the message is.....
"BE RECONCILED TO GOD!!" (2 Corinthians 5:20) and
"HAVE LOVE ONE TO ANOTHER" (John 13:34-35)
The Ambassadors for JESUS CHRIST Motorcycle Ministry provides an excellent opportunity to make a difference in the biker world while doing what you love to do and enjoying the fellowship of Christians committed to the LORD and to one another. Our goal is to share the love of JESUS CHRIST with a lost and hurting world.